Thursday, October 26, 2017

你们好!你的第六课考试都很好,good job!
下周二你们要考 story telling on 中秋节。请好好准备。这是12个问题:

1.       Who is Hou Yi?
2.       What did How Yi do?
3.       Why is Hou Yi a hero?
4.       Who gave Hou yi a ling yao?
5.       What did Hou Yi do to the Ling Yao?
6.       What is Hou Yi’s wife’s name?
7.       What did she do to the ling yao ?
8.       What did the lingyao make her to do ?
9.       Is she happy on the moon?
10.   When does she meet up with her husband?
11.   What did Hou Yi bring to her?
12.   How do Chinese people celebrate the moon festival now?

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