Monday, October 30, 2017

We practiced further on Chapter 2, Part 1 on the workbook. Today's homework:
1. Dictation 16-20  
2. Work book, page 33-34, section E and F .

xiexie ! 

gao laoshi 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

你们好!你的第六课考试都很好,good job!
下周二你们要考 story telling on 中秋节。请好好准备。这是12个问题:

1.       Who is Hou Yi?
2.       What did How Yi do?
3.       Why is Hou Yi a hero?
4.       Who gave Hou yi a ling yao?
5.       What did Hou Yi do to the Ling Yao?
6.       What is Hou Yi’s wife’s name?
7.       What did she do to the ling yao ?
8.       What did the lingyao make her to do ?
9.       Is she happy on the moon?
10.   When does she meet up with her husband?
11.   What did Hou Yi bring to her?
12.   How do Chinese people celebrate the moon festival now?

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Good job with your chapter test on Lesson1.  Even though I haven't graded all the paper yet, I can see you are gaining solid skill in all the language point.

Today's homework:
1. dictation Q1- 5
2. Prepare a presentation either digitally or on paper about your family member. You can draw as well. You need to introduce all of your family member to the class.



Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tomorrow we are going to learn Lesson 2.  Please preview the vocabulary and text by listening to the audio section on Lesson 2, part 1.

Zai jian !

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thank you for coming to the program night! 

Happy Learning together! 一起快乐学中文!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Today we went through reviewing on Lesson 1. Upcoming chapter 1 test is on next Tuesday, 10/17. So, if you feel confused or not sure, please do stop by to see me during tutorial or after school.

Today's homework:

Practice speaking on the Speaking section on Workbook,  Section II , ABCD and write out your answers in Chinese characters to turn in.


Gao laoshi  

Monday, October 2, 2017


During class, we reviewed the vocabulary and played Quizlet live game to test your grasp of all the learning points. You guys did a great job!

For next class, we are going to :
1. Quiz you for part 2, vocab 1-5.
2. Listen to the audio recording of part 2 dialogue: Lesson 1 Part 2 

zai jian