Friday, December 16, 2011

We had a great party. Thank you all for bring in goodies. Hope you all have a great Christmas break!
zhu nimen  shen dan jie kuai le!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Today we reviewed Lesson 4, and then did a practice test. Most of them felt it is a little bit of hard. If you haven't finished it yet, please do so after class. Next class, we are going to do a review test for Lesson 3.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Today we reviewed Lesson 4 by doing exercises on Page 54 and 55. Please prepare for dictation for vocabulary 8-13. Also, if you haven't sent in all the Workbook homework yet for Lesson 4, please do so by next class. We are going to have text on 12/13, Tuesday and then, have a party on 12/15.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

We have learned a new song during class: ni wa wa. Here is the link, please listen to it several times. We also did exercises to review the vocabulary. Next time, we are going to have dictation for 1-7: 那,书, 这, 本, 文学, 工程, 难。 Also, please finish Workbook Q 3 and Q 4.
