Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We continued to learned Chinese 1 by finishing exercise in the textbook. Today's homework is to: 1
1. Finish the Workbook, Page 7 and 8, Questions 1 and 2.
2. Please learn the characters on the vocab list 1-6. We are going to have dictation on it.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Today we studied Lesson 1 and some of the frequently used expression. Please make sure you practice them and  start to use them during class.
Today's homework:
1. Listen to the vocab, sentence patterns,and language in use twice. Here is the link. Lesson 1 .
2. Please call my google voice mail at 315-400-1674 and leave me a recorded message of the Language in Use portion.
3. Please type out the vocab list and language in use on your computer and present a print copy during next class.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today we reviewed PinYin and learned how to type out Chinese on computers. If you want to install them on your computer, please follow the following instruction if you forgot it.

 Today's homework: type out the Chinese characters that I gave you on the practice sheet plus the 10 numbers. All together there should be 32 words. Don't forget your name on your typing assignment.


Here is the instruction on how to install Chinese on your own computer:

Installing foreign language keyboard and bringing up on-screen keyboard layout in Windows XP

a. Click Start > Control Panel
b. Open Regional and Language options
c. Click on Languages tab
d. Click Details
e. Click Add
f. Select desired language and keyboard layout
g. Click OK
h. Click Apply
i. In taskbar, click on the "EN" and select “Chinese Simplified( PRC)”. May need to have program or document open where language can be input. Keyboard will switch between languages.
j. If on-screen keyboard desired, click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Accessibility > On-screen Keyboard

Installing a Foreign Language Keyboard and bringing up on-screen keyboard layout in Windows Vista

a. From your Start menu, open the Control Panel.
b. In the Control Panel, go to Regional and Language Options (Classic View) or Clock Language and Region then Regional and Language Options.
c. Select the Keyboards and Languages Tab
d. Click the button that says Change keyboard…
e. Click Add
f. Expand “ Chinese” tree then expand Keyboard tree from the list.
g. Make a check mark beside the required keyboard(s) “Simplified Chinese(P.R.C). NOTE: You can preview any keyboard before adding it by highlighting its name then click on Preview… button
h. Click OK to add the keyboard to the Installed Services
i. Click OK to confirm and apply
j. To show the language bar if it is not there:
a. Right-click on the taskbar
b. Point to Toolbars
c. Click Language Bar
k. To activate on-screen keyboard:
a. Click Start button
b. Click All Programs
c. Click Accessories
d. Click Ease of Access
e. Click On-Screen Keyboard
Installing Chinese on Mac
a. click the A1.  Click the Apple icon on the Menu bar
b. click Syst  2. Click Preferences in the drop down menu
3                   3. Open the International or Language and Setting
                     4. Click the Input Menu
                     5.Choose Simplified Chinese
                     6. Close the window and you can see an American flag popup on the menu bar
                     7. Click on the American flag and you can see the choice for ITABC by the Chinese red flag. Click on the flag.
                     8. Start typing in Pinyin and click the space bar. You can see the popups in Chinese characters listed in numbers. Choose the right characters by either click on it or enter the number. 

d. click I

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today we finished the PinYin system during class. Great job so far. We have practiced some basic characters during class. Your homework is to continue to practice them today and tomorrow and when you come back, we are going to have a dictation for the 11 characters. You need to know how to write them, how to pronounce them and what's the meaning of it.  Also, please finish page 2 of the homework on the workbook. Homework 2

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We have learned the rest of PinYin for initials and tones.  You all did great distinguishing the tones and sounds. Your homework is to listen online and finish Q 1( Page 1) on your workbook. Here is the link for the audio:  Homework 1-1 .

We will continue to learn the song,  liang zhi lao hu.

zai jian!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today we studied the basic facts about Chinese language system and I explained the Pin Yin system and Character writing system. You all got your Chinese names now, so please keep practicing them.  We also learned the 21 Consonants and initials. 

Today's homework is to turn to Section 5 of our textbook Preface part starting page F-5. You can click the link below and start listening for the pronunciation in the chart,  and then  speaking along for the Practice section on the bottom of the page. Please finish all the section 5 on page F-7.

Once you open the link below, please click: Track 3, Section 5: Initials: part 1 to 6. It should play automatically.
Consanant or Initials

zai jian!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome Chinese 1 class! I'm so glad that you decide to join me for this exciting journey of learning. I look forward to helping you along the way.  Please make sure you bookmark this page so that you can come back often for daily updates and assignments.

Gao laoshi