Tuesday, January 22, 2013

我们今天学了第五课。你们的作业是: for all of you who didn't finish the Workbook Q 1 to Q4, please finish them as soon as possible. Today's  new homework is a project.

Requirement: you are to develope a power point to introduce your friends to the class. I want you to include minimum 2 friends. Topics are not limited, but here are some suggestions:
1. 名字?
2。 年龄 age ?
3. 年级? grade?
4。 会说。。。 can speak...
5. 哪国人。。。 nationality?
6. 学什么。。。 learning what?
7. 有。。。。has what ?
8. 喜欢 ... like what, or like to do what?

Please feel free to use online dicitionary, such as mdbg.com to check up new vocabularies. I need you to type in the sentences on the ppt presentation in Chinese characters.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask me.

zai jian

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