Tuesday, January 22, 2013

我们今天学了第五课。你们的作业是: for all of you who didn't finish the Workbook Q 1 to Q4, please finish them as soon as possible. Today's  new homework is a project.

Requirement: you are to develope a power point to introduce your friends to the class. I want you to include minimum 2 friends. Topics are not limited, but here are some suggestions:
1. 名字?
2。 年龄 age ?
3. 年级? grade?
4。 会说。。。 can speak...
5. 哪国人。。。 nationality?
6. 学什么。。。 learning what?
7. 有。。。。has what ?
8. 喜欢 ... like what, or like to do what?

Please feel free to use online dicitionary, such as mdbg.com to check up new vocabularies. I need you to type in the sentences on the ppt presentation in Chinese characters.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask me.

zai jian

Thursday, January 17, 2013

1。 听写:6-10
2。 Workbook Q3 and Q 4.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

我们today learned 第五课。你们的作业是:Workbook Q 1 and Q 2.  Also, we are going to have a dictation on vocabulary 1-5.

We also learned a song called" 找朋友. Here is the link. Please keep singing. Link


Monday, January 7, 2013

你们好,we had a great review session. 你们的功课是:textbook p60-61. Please write them out on the book. If you have questions, you can come in and ask me at any time or before our test on Wednesday.
