Monday, September 30, 2013

Today we continued to learn Lesson 2 for Chinese 1, and Lesson 10 for Chinese 2 student.

1. Chinese 1 student:  Continue to study the vocabulary for Lesson 1 and 2. I have sent out invitation for Quizlet vocabulary for you to study to your email account.  Then, you need to finish the Workbook excercise on Page 11, Listening excercise. Then Page 13: B, C. IV A.

2. Chinese 2: Continue to study vocabulary for Lesson 10. You can use Quizlet for study. I have invited you to the vocabulary list. Then, on your Textbook, do the excercise on Page 159-5. Please write out the answers on a piece of paper and bring it in.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

中文2 :我们今天学了“星期五”。  这是 link. 。 

Please go over the lyrics and underline all the lines with Time in it, such as 7 点,时间。。。星期五。。。

Chinese 1 student: continue to work on Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 vocabularies. I will give you more practice once you come back.



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We have continued to study Lesson 1 and 2 for Chinese 1 stuents and did more practice for Chinese 2 stdudents on textbook.  Here is your assignments:

1。 Continue to review vocabulary of Lesson 10.  Please make a quizlet list for everyone to review.
2. Continue to finish picdture discriptions for Situation 3 on page 162. Make sure you know how to speak out the sequence of actions.
3. On workbook page 44, finish part B.

Chinese 1:
1. Continue to write out words on lesson 1 and 2 on Page 103-109 of your workbook
2. Finish excercise on Workbook Page 9 and 10.

zai jian

Friday, September 20, 2013

Today we continued to learn and review Chinese greeting and introduction of family members. For Chinese 1 students, we had a quiz on the key vocabularies and expressions. For Chinese 2, we learned Lesson 10 text in use.

中文1 : Please read your Textbook Level 1, part 1, Page 4-8, and Page 21-23 for grammar explanation.
             Also, please go to out textbook website Audio resource:
and listen the vocabularies and Language in use for both lessons at least 5 times to get yourself familiar with the key vocabularies and sentence structures.

中文2 : 给我写信。
1. Right letter format
2. Three paragraphs long: Frist: general introduction of your life; Second: detailed daily schedule; Third: Greet me and ask me about my life. Please be as specific as possible and feel free to check up new vocabularies online.



Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today we learned about family members. We learned how to say family members. Here is a review:
1. vocabulary: 爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,姐姐, 妹妹, 弟弟, 家, 爱, 我, 的。 You need to practice them at home and come back for a dictation quiz next class.

2. Expression you need to be able to say:
1.  你有。。。吗?   Do you have ---?
2.  你叫什么名字?What is your name?
3。 这是我的。。this is my....
4.   那是我的.... That is my

For Chinese 2 students, you need to read: study the vocabulary first, the read Text of Lesson 10 by covering the Pinyin portion. Make sure you understand the sentence structures and expression of time.


Monday, September 16, 2013

ni men hao!

Today almost half of the class were missing for various reasons. So, we just spent the time reviewing numbers and previewed some vocabulary for family members.  Once everyone is back, we are going to learn together again.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

ni men hao ! 你们好!

Today we learned numbers and how to sing the song 我的朋友在哪里?Here is the ppt you can review and get caught with if you miss it.

Homework for Chinese 1:
1. you need to know how to read and write all the 10 numbers.
2. you need to know how to sing the whole song of the above “ wo de peng you" 

zai jian 

Friday, September 6, 2013



Thank you for embarking an exciting journey me in learning Chinese. This year, the unique feature of this class is the combination of students who are absolute beginners and who had one year of Chinese study under their belts. It can be both a challenge as well as an opportunity though. What we are going to do is to spend the coming year learning Chinese in the immersion style. Even though we are still going to use the textbook Chinese Link for reference, I'll be designing theme based topics for each class so that each one of you can benefit from the core curriculum, and yet learning with each individual's skill level.

Please feel free to contact me at any time during the year for questions and concerns.